Reno Nation, Kanaka Bar: Window Replacement
Many of the windows in homes in Kanaka Bar are old, leaky and improperly installed. Matthew Vandergriend and Christine Brown (Kanaka Bar) work with contractor Jiri Havelka of Community Power to tear out an old window and switch it with a high-efficiency replacement. Doing it right is important, since many of the benefits of a new window will be lost with a poor installation. About the Reno Nation videos: Kanaka Bar is on a path to self-sufficiency, which encompasses such areas as employment, food and energy. In addition to solar and small-scale hydroelectric development, the community is putting a lot of effort into renovating homes so that they use less energy and are more comfortable. In this series of three videos, you can learn about practical efforts being made to improve these homes, which could be replicated in just about any community. The series was produced by the Fraser Basin Council and Community Power (@CommunityPwr). Thanks to Lantern Films for video production services. The Fraser Basin Council provided support for these projects through the First Nations Home EnergySave Program. Visit website here.