Constitution & Bylaws
- Advance the rights and interests of First Nations people in British Columbia;
- Restore and enhance the relationship among First Nations in British Columbia, the Crown and people of Canada;
- Develop and promote policies and resources for the benefit of First Nations in British Columbia including but not limited to governance, lands and resources, economic, social, education, health and cultural matters;
- Work in coalition with other organizations that advance the rights and interests of First Nations peoples; and
- Take direction from the Chiefs-in-Assembly according to the resolutions passed at Assemblies.
BCAFN Governance Manual
Governance Manual PDF
The purpose of this Governance Manual is to assist the BCAFN Regional Chief, the Board of Directors, committee representatives, staff and BCAFN members in understanding the governance structure of the BCAFN and to help smooth transitions in leadership when a new Regional Chief or new Directors are elected.
Used as a desk reference for the governing documents, policies and key BCAFN documents, this Governance Manual sets out the BCAFN’s organizational structure and governance. It also sets out the policy and procedures on election and appointment issues to assist the BCAFN in reaching its desired goals and in minimizing the risk of internal conflicts arising in the way BCAFN governs itself.
To ensure that the Office of the BC Regional Chief has access to Political Territorial Organization Funding from the Department of Indian Affairs (now Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada), BC Region, in 2003 the BCAFN became an incorporated society pursuant to the Society Act of British Columbia.