
Reno Nation, Kanaka Bar: Insulation

As Todd McBride (Community Power) explains, insulation and air sealing in old homes can often be improved. Matthew Vandergriend and Christine Brown (Kanaka Bar) work with Jiri Havelka (Community Power) to insulate the leaky rim joists in the basement of one home, replacing dirty ineffective insulation with properly sealed foam insulation. Residents, including Albert Michell, love the results! About the Reno Nation videos: Kanaka Bar is on a path to self-sufficiency, which encompasses such areas as employment, food and energy.

Reno Nation, Kanaka Bar: Blower Door Test

In many older homes, air leakage is very high, resulting in high energy bills and uncomfortable conditions in the winter. Learn as Uli Chorny (Community Power - @CommunityPwr) and Matthew Vandergriend (Kanaka Bar) work together to carry out a Blower Door test in order to understand how much energy is being lost and identify the leakiest spots in a home. About the Reno Nation videos: Kanaka Bar is on a path to self-sufficiency, which encompasses such areas as employment, food and energy.

New Indigenous housing "A great opportunity to help the people come home"

"This housing project is going to have a significant impact to help people get back up on their feet." – Chief Grace Cunningham, Katzie First Nation. There is a critical need for better housing for Indigenous peoples in British Columbia. The Building BC: Indigenous Housing Fund includes money for nearly 780 off-reserve homes and close to 370 homes on-reserve. This makes BC the first province in Canada to invest provincial housing funds into on-reserve housing. And it's starting to make a difference. The B.C.