Regional Chief Teegee is the Co-Chair of the Assembly of First Nations Chief’s Committee on Cannabis, which carries out cannabis-related advocacy according to the direction of the AFN Chiefs-in-Assembly. Chief Harvey McLeod, Upper Nicola Band, is the appointed BC Representative. The following resolutions inform the work of the Chief’s Committee:
2019-48 Support of Cannabis as Part of Global Indigenous Culture
2019-36 First Nations Cannabis Jurisdiction
2018-90 First Nations Cannabis Jurisdiction
2018-02 Federal Recognition of First Nations Jurisdiction over Recreational and Medicinal Cannabis
2017-90 Support for a Cannabis Working Task Force
2017-03 NIHB Coverage of Medical Cannabis
2016-123 First Nation Inclusion on the Emerging Cannabis Economy
The AFN Chiefs-in-Assembly support the development of a First Nations cannabis jurisdiction option that includes First Nations production, processing, distribution and retail, a First Nations stamp, cannabis excise tax sharing, and extends to a fuel, alcohol, cannabis and tobacco (FACT) tax sharing option. This work may include recommendations for amendments to the Cannabis Act, and other federal acts.
For further information contact Sarah Froese, BCAFN Policy Analyst at