Getting Ready Kitsumkalum Youth Climate Change Music Video

Topic(s): Clean Energy

Watch and share this music video composed and performed by Kitsumkalum Youth & ‘Na Aksa Gyilak’yoo School with the help of performing artist Rachelle van Zanten and Elijah Larsen. Kitsumkalum Fish & Wildlife received direction from band council to research Climate Change, its many effects on the land, and food security. This project engaged youth in research and class projects also on the importance of Oolichans, Glaciers and the Glass Sponge Reefs blended with traditional knowledge on how everything is connected and how important the land is for Kitsumkalum's food security and lifeway as Tsimshian. Kitsumkalum Fish & Wildlife successfully sourced funds to do research from Environment Canada and will continue to seek funding to carry on the work from this project and data collection. For more information on the related projects to this funding visit.