The BC Assembly of First Nations Regional Chief Terry Teegee and Women’s Representative Louisa Housty Jones welcome today’s long anticipated release of Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. The 231 “Calls for Justice” urgently press for transformative social change to end colonial violence and the continued genocide of Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit people in Canada.
I lift up and offer my gratitude to all those who shared their truth throughout the National Inquiry’s process. Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA (two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual) people continue to demonstrate immense strength and heart and have shown that we will not be silenced. I challenge all governments to take seriously the stories that have been proclaimed and the reality of colonial genocide in Canada. I call on all governments and Canadians to gather the will required to fully implement these Calls for Justice in tangible ways; with Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA people leading the way forward. Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA people are sacred, and we will reclaim our rightful place. – Louisa Housty Jones (BCAFN Women’s Representative)
I welcome the final report and the 231 “Calls for Justice” that create a pathway to bring about the end of the colonial violence and genocide of Indigenous peoples in Canada. Too many of us have lost family members to the ongoing violence against our women, girls and two-spirit people and we have endured the continued pain of a limited, drawn-out response from the Canadian justice and social systems. – Regional Chief Terry Teegee
The BCAFN calls on all Canadians to stand up and embrace the “Calls for Justice” that were drawn from the courageous truths and testimony of Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit people, and honour them by helping to restore balance in First Nations communities by participating in the healing, reconciliation and restoration.
Building on the work of this Inquiry, the BCAFN will be holding a third Women’s Dialogue Session in the near future with female Chiefs, councilors, elected tribal leadership, and others in leadership positions from our communities. Together they will pursue priorities and strategic approaches with respect to advocating and advancing the well-being of Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit people.
For further information, contact:
Annette Schroeter, Communications Officer. Phone: (250) 962-1603. BC Assembly of First Nations.