Snuneymuxw First Nation

Preferred Name:
Snuneymuxw First Nation
Alternative Name:
Formerly Nanaimo; Includes Saalequun Tribe Of The Douglas Treaty (1854); Meaning " People Of Many Names"
Halq'eméylem, hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓, Hul’q’umi’num’
BC Regional Office:
West Coast (Nanaimo)
Vancouver Island & Coast
Reserve Land Area:266.00 ha
Chief Mike Wyse
Edward Good, Wanda Good, Erralyn Joseph, Emily Manson, Paul Wyse-Seward
Governance Structure:
Custom Electoral System
Address: 668 Centre St.
V9R 4Z4
Community Description

The Snuneymuxw are a vibrant First Nation of the Coast Salish People, located in the centre of Coast Salish territory on the eastern coast of Vancouver Island in the Canadian province of British Columbia. Snuneymuxw territory encompasses one of the most productive and resource rich areas at the heart of the Salish Sea.

Treaty or Tribal Association
Naut'sa mawt Tribal Council