Gwa'sala-Nakwaxda'xw Band

Preferred Name:
Gwa'sala-Nakwaxda'xw Band
Alternative Name:
Variation Gwa'Sala-Nakwaxda'Xw Nation; Gwa'Sala-Nakwaxda'Xw; Originally Two Separate Groups Nahkwockto (Variation Nahkwocto, Nak-Wak-Ta) And Quawshelah (Pre-1964) (Variation Quassela, Kwawshela); Amalgamates With Kwawkewlth To Form Kwawkewlth (1964-1981)
BC Regional Office:
West Coast (Nanaimo)
Vancouver Island & Coast
Reserve Land Area:794.10 ha
Chief Terry Walkus Sr.
Duane Nelson, Mary Dodie Rufus, Edward Walkus, Willie Walkus, Janine Sheard, Dennis Walkus, Gary Walkus, Paddy Walkus
Governance Structure:
Custom Electoral System
Address: P.O. Box 998
Port Hardy
V0N 2P0
Community Description

The Gwa'sala-Nakwaxda'xw is a small, semi-rural community of about 500 on-reserve community members, with about 350 of our band members living off-reserve. The Tsulquate reserve, where most of us live, is adjacent to the town of Port Hardy on the North-eastern tip of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Tsulquate is within the boundaries of the Regional District of Mt. Waddington. We are a member of the Kwakiutl District Council.

Treaty or Tribal Association
Independent and Kwakiutl District Council / Nanwakolas Council