West Moberly First Nations

Preferred Name:
West Moberly First Nations
Alternative Name:
Adhered To Treaty No. 8 (1914) As Part Of Hudson Hope; Spit Into West Moberly Lake & Halfway River (1977); Now West Moberly First Nations & Halfway River First Nations
Dane-Zaa, Nēhiyawēwin
BC Regional Office:
Northeast (Fort St. John)
Reserve Land Area:2,033.60 ha
Chief Roland Willson
Clarence Willson, Asher Atchiqua, Robin Fuller, Theresa Davis
Governance Structure:
Custom Electoral System
Population Total:367
Address: P.O. Box 90
Moberly Lake
V0C 1X0
Community Description

Located in Peace River Country, on Moberly Lake, West Moberly First Nations seek to positively enhance the progression of West Moberly First Nations ethics with respect, honesty, fairness, integrity, and self motivation by promoting open communication with members, Chief & Council and staff. Using these values as our guide our Nation will build a healthy, strong and better future.

Treaty or Tribal Association
Treaty 8 First Nations