Taku River Tlingit

Preferred Name:
Taku River Tlingit
Alternative Name:
Formerly Atlin (Pre-1985)
BC Regional Office:
Skeena (Smithers)
Reserve Land Area:1,263.90 ha
Spokesperson Charmaine Thom
Louise Gordon-Wolf Director, Shirley Reeves-Crow Director, Vivian Mahoney-Crow Director, Cherish Clarke-Wolf Clan Director
Governance Structure:
Custom Electoral System
Address: P.O. Box 132
V0W 1A0
Community Description

The Taku River Tlingit First Nation is located in Atlin, BC, a small remote community of approximately 400 people. We, the Taku River Tlingit, are moving forward as the responsible decision makers of our land and waters within our Territory. Our Territory covers over 40,000 sq/km and includes what is now known as British Columbia, Yukon and Alaska/US. Our Territory contains high mountains, expansive forests rich with wildlife and salmon filled wild rivers. As responsible decision makers we are embarking on a course necessary to ensure the preservation of our wildlife and fisheries. This will assist us in ensuring the preservation of what is Tlingit.

Treaty or Tribal Association
Not currently affiliated with any Tribal Association or other groups