The Chawathil First Nation is situated in a resplendent mountain setting located in the Fraser Valley 140 km East of Vancouver, BC. The Chawathil people have lived in their present location for thousands of years. The Nation's traditional territory once occupied much of what is now the community of Hope and surrounding areas.
Chawathil's natural resources in the territory have sustained the people and way of life for centuries and they thrive on a communal lifestyle that respects the wisdom of the Knowledge Holders and elders.
The Chawathil are Sto:lo people or “river people” who depend upon the river and land for their survival and livelihood. The Sto:lo share a common language known as Halq’emeylem (Hal-ko-me-lem), of the Coast Salish language family. The people moved throughout the territory using the resources and land provided for fishing, hunting and gathering, to maintain their livelihood. Today, the Chawathil people still use these resources for economic and traditional purposes.
Contact the administration office at
Phone: (604) 869-9994, fax: (604) 869-7614
The Chawathil First Nation is a member of the Sto:lo Nation