Nazko First Nation

Preferred Name:
Nazko First Nation
Alternative Name:
Formerly Nazko (Variation Nasco) (Pre-2011); Amalgamated With Blackwater (Alternate Tsisthatho) And Euchinoco (1957)
BC Regional Office:
Cariboo (Williams Lake)
Reserve Land Area:1,973.10 ha
Chief Leah Stump
Delores Alec, Anthony Perry
Governance Structure:
Indian Act
Address: P.O. Box 4129
V2J 3J2
Community Description

The Nazko First Nation is a First Nations government of the Dakelh people in the north-central Interior of British Columbia. Its reserves are located around the community of Nazko, British Columbia, which is 120 km west of Quesnel and southwest of Prince George. The Nazko people, part of the Carrier Nation, are included as the original inhabitants of the north-central region of B.C since at least 2200 B.C. Carrier country is vast, stretching 500 kms from the Coast Mountains in the west to the Rocky Mountains in the east, and 300 kms from Takla Lake in the north to the Chilcotin plateau in the south. The terrain varies from the low, rolling hills along the Blackwater River in the south to the mountainous regions that border Carrier country to the west, north and east.

Treaty or Tribal Association
Carrier Chilcotin Tribal Council